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  • Steve Spalding 9:17 pm on July 10, 2010 | 0 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , storytelling

    I apologize to any professors who may be upset with me comparing them to House. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t true, and really I could have picked The Jersey Shore.

    There is almost no difference in importance between the latest episode of House and that last lecture you attended at the University.

    Human beings are creatures of analogy, we learn by comparing new information with frameworks we have developed from previous bits of information.

    That is why the power on the web and elsewhere is not in the ability to convey information efficiently. Efficiency is for computers and style guides. The power is in being able to package information into analogies, to paint something interesting with your words and videos.

    This is one of the reason you’ll have a lot easier time remembering that last episode of House than you will the lecture. TV producers make no qualms about the fact that what they do must be entertaining.

  • The Three Act Play Our first video fo...

    Steve Spalding 5:20 pm on August 22, 2009 | 0 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: filmmaking, movies, storytelling, three-act-play

    The Three Act Play

    Our first video for 93 Studios. It’s on storytelling, the three-act play and well…just watch.

  • If wish there was a stronger word than t...

    Steve Spalding 5:49 am on June 14, 2009 | 0 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: storytelling

    I wish there was a stronger word than true to describe this.

    It’s very easy to write. It’s very hard to cut down and edit. It’s very easy to write lots of nonsensical blog entries, God knows I see enough every day on the interwebs. That’s without even trying to tell a story. Pare down what you need to tell a story. Watch Charlie Brooker’s Screenwipe on television writing, it’s on iPlayer or, on certain sites of dubious virtue. Tell a story using the minimum that you need and don’t subscribe to bloggorhea. This applies to both text and A/V content. Your audience just doesn’t have the time to wade through that stuff.

    It’s of extreme importance that you take some time to read this blog post on storytelling and ARGs.

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