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  • Steve Spalding 10:18 pm on July 21, 2010 | 0 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: extinction, ,

    I am sure the dinosaurs figured they still had a few good years left in them.

    Here is a simple rule of business.

    If you increase supply while maintaining a constant demand, prices will drop. Eventually, if nothing stops this process, prices will drop to zero.

    If you are in the business of information creation, that is what is happening today. Right now. Yes, I am talking to you.

    Your current model is threatening to lead you towards extinction. Like the paper newspaper or the CD, information brokers of all variety, whether they call themselves artists or entrepreneur are standing at the edge of a cliff.

    If you choose to ignore this fact. If you don’t start looking now for ways to adapt. You are going to go right off the edge with them.

    I’m really sorry.

  • Steve Spalding 9:39 pm on July 15, 2010 | 0 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: adaptability, extinction, ,

    We are all going extinct.

    Information moves way faster than you do.

    Whatever your business is, as it stands, it’s a form of arbitrage with you at its center trying to make as much money as you can before the market wises up and puts you out on the street.

    One of your core business questions should be whether you have the brass to change everything when the time comes, and whether right this second you are far enough out in front of the next curve to keep from getting crushed when this one comes crashing down.

    That is all.

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