5. The rise of social media has clearly been one of the most important shifts to hit our culture in recent years, but for blogging especially it has proved to be revolutionary. How has social media affected your blogging?

We used to call it “Web 2.0,” now we call it Social Media because Facebook has 500 Million users and Oprah is on Twitter. I think Social Media has revolutionized our ability to talk about what it is we do in a way that almost anyone can understand. It has given the digerati a nail to hang our hats on and an umbrella to put the marketing, collaboration and communication tools we’ve used for ages under so they seem less like toys and more like the revolutions we have spent years trying to convince the world that they are. I mean, it’s tough explaining how amazing something like Foursquare is without the using the word “social.” You should try it.

How has it affected by blogging? Social Media tools have given me new channels to communicate across, has allowed me to meet a bunch of exciting folks I would never have met, has given me tons of fodder for posts and has generally made the whole blogging thing a lot more dynamic and life affirming than it was back in the PHPNuke days. It hasn’t changed my world but it has expanded it in ways that are difficult to talk about unless you’ve spent a lot of time in the trenches with it.