The path of innovation is not from obscurity to acceptance, it’s from anger to ambivalence.

Whenever there is a change to anything people consider valuable there will be blow-back. If Facebook adds a change to their terms of service, it can be pretty much guaranteed that some portion of the people who track these things will throw a hissy fit about it. That’s the sign of a strong and vibrant democracy, but it is also not a good reason to change course.

They are going to complain about privacy and fairness but like anything else, give them some time and distance and you’ll see the mental costs of continuous dissatisfaction begin to take their toll and these same people will forget just why they were so upset in the first place.

I’ve seen this happen over and over again when companies change their terms or seriously revamp a feature set. If I could give any advice to a company getting this type of blow-back it would be to listen, smile and wait. If after a month you are still hearing the same thing, then it might be time to start getting worried.