The greatest invention the world will ever see is one that lets us put our Attention on credit. By greatest I mean worst. By invention I mean crime against humanity.

The term “barriers to entry” as it relates to the Internet is all mucked up. We are convinced that the primary barrier to entering a market is money. Yes, that’s true, in the world that existed before we started handing out bandwidth and teaching everyone HTML, money was a pretty big thing even for Internet folks.

Now we have publishing, hosting and distribution costs that are negligible. Does that mean that barriers to entry don’t exist? Not by a long shot. Now, the currency isn’t cash it’s Attention.

We need to look really closely at Attention if we are going to understand where this train is taking business an entrepreneurship in the near term. The amount of Attention we have available to us is fixed. There is only 24 hours in a day, and those precious few hours that we aren’t sleeping, working or spending time with our loved ones are being increasingly taxed by every new post, video and startup to enter the market.

That end result is that the barriers to enter the web have been steadily increasing for years, and will continue to increase until we either find a way to create more time or to use the time we have more efficiently.