There needs to be a word for the feeling you get when you click on what you think is content and end up on a “sales letter”

- @sbspalding

While I have no problem with Sales Pages or affiliate marketing, I think I have a profound problem with ambling across content that isn’t what it makes itself out to be. If I am being linked to something, I want to be sure I get whatever that something is — if suddenly I find myself learning about how you can help me make a 6-figure income playing backgammon in my PJs, not only will that deter me from following any link you push out again but it will almost guarantee I’ll make sort of smart-arse remark about it.

If you think I’m alone in this, I’m not.

@sbspalding See, I have a word for that feeling, but I’m not allowed to used it in polite society ;-)

- @smlacy

Is there a lesson here?


When you are worried about conversion (as you probably are if you have a big, bad sales letter) then you should recognize that trust is currency and it’s really not worth it to waste it all for a quick click-thru.